Product Description
Swiss K31 Carbine, produced in 1941, in very good condition with 85% finish. 5/5 Bore. 3/5 Stock. Stock and handguard matching serial numbers. Bolt matching serial number. Magazine matching serial number.
On the right side of the stock, there are numerous pressure marks ranging in severity from light to heavy. At the butt, there is a long gouge running below the comb from the butt to the grip. Multiple light pressure marks and light scratches on the grip. Series of light gouges below the bolt release lever. There is a rectangular impression at the finger groove, as if it were held in a vise, but there is no accompanying pressure mark on the opposite side. In front of the finger groove are a few heavy gouges. Vertical pressure marks on the forearm before the front barrel band, extending up to the handguard. On the left side of the stock there are numerous light pressure marks throughout. There are two horizontal heavy gouges above the trigger guard and magazine. Vertical gouge at the woodline, to the right of the finger groove. Light pressure marks and light gouges before the front barrel band. On the underside of the stock, there are heavy pressure marks and several heavy gouges throughout. Light pressure marks around the magazine plate. Mild pressure marks around the rear barrel band. The comb of the stock has mild to fair pressure marks and a heavy gouge around the center. Light pressure marks throughout the handguard.
Receiver finish is lightly worn. Light edge wear around the loading slot. Light edge wear at the rear edge of the receiver. Rear barrel band has heavy finish wear and mild patina. Front barrel band has light finish wear. Light edge wear around the front sight. Magazine plate has a small mark of finish wear next to the magazine catch. Light edge wear on the trigger guard. Mild finish wear on the magazine base.
Receiver is P stamped.
Includes muzzle cover and leather sling.
C&R Eligible. Import engraved. See our How To Order page for ordering instructions.