Product Description
Swiss 1896/11 Infantry Rifle, produced in 1901, in good condition with 75% original finish. 4/5 Bore. 4/5 Stock. Stock and handguard matching serial numbers. Bolt matching serial number. Magazine matching serial number.
Stock has a faint tiger stripe pattern on the right side of the stock. Parts of the stock may have been previously sanded and refinished as the Swiss military stamp on the right side of the stock is not visible. On the right side of the stock there are several light scratches found rear of the pistol grip. On the finger groove there is a small gouge on the bottom left edge and a small pressure mark on the bottom right edge. A couple of long, light, vertical pressure marks are found in front of the finger groove. On the left side of the stock, there are various small, light pressure marks found along the butt of the stock, and there is a gouge on the pistol grip. Long scratch below the bottom left edge of the finger groove. The handguard has a larger gouge near the base and several smaller nicks. There are a few heavy pressure marks in between the two barrel bands and some areas of worn finish.
Receiver has heavy finish wear, particularly on the left and right sides. There are also several marks in the metal present. Fair to moderate edge wear around the loading slot. Mild to fair edge wear around the three lightening cuts. Handguard base is nearly in the white. Both barrel bands have good bluing but also have light scratches and tool marks present. Magazine plate has good bluing with a few light marks in the finish. Trigger guard has light edge wear. Magazine also has light edge wear, with a small but heavy impact mark on the base. Considering the bluing condition of the receiver compared to the other components, it is likely that the other components have been refinished.
Both bolt knobs are cracked and chipped.
Receiver is P stamped.
Includes muzzle cover and leather sling.
Discreet import engraving. Note that this rifle was incorrectly identified prior to export and was import engraved as a 1911. The engraving has been corrected.
C&R Eligible. Discreet import engraving. See our How To Order page for ordering instructions.
The 1896/11 rifle is a modernized version of the 1889 that was designed to handle the more powerful 7.5x55mm Swiss Gewehrpatrone 1911 (GP11) cartridge. GP11 has similar ballistic qualities to that of the 7.62x51mm NATO / .308 Winchester round. Other improvements were made in order to make the 1896/11 lighter and easier to handle, such as a new barrel and a 6 round capacity box magazine.