Product Description
Swiss 1906/29 Luger, produced in 1939, in very good condition with 90% finish. 5/5 Bore. All visible serial numbers matching.
This Luger may have been refinished. On the right side of the frame, there is light to mild edge wear at the forward edge and light edge wear along the upper edge. Light edge wear on the trigger guard. On the left side of the frame, there is a faint hint of small dots of finish wear caused by extended storage while holstered; this is only visible if the light is angled just right. There is light edge wear at the forward edge. Very light edge wear on the upper edge of the frame. Light edge wear on the trigger guard. Minor edge wear around the takedown lever. Side plate has light edge wear at the high area and is slightly discolored. Light edge wear on the safety selector lever. Light finish wear on the underside of the trigger guard. Light edge wear on the bottom edge of the front strap. Grip safety has light to mild finish wear and very light pitting.
Receiver has light edge wear along the upper edge on both sides. Finish is lightly worn across the right side and on the chamber. On the left side of the receiver there is a light mark from the side plate. Light finish wear on the toggle knobs. Light edge wear around the muzzle. Very light to light edge wear on the front and rear sights.
Red canevasite grips have very good checkering with mild dulling. No damage is noted on the grips. Magazine's matching canevasite base is very clean and in excellent condition.
Includes military leather holster with shoulder sling. Holster has a spare magazine pouch attached to the side. There is a leathermaker name stamped but no manufacturing year visible; "O. Huber" from Birmensdorf, canton Zürich.
C&R eligible. Very discreet import engraving.
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