Product Description
This Swiss K31 rifle was part of our October Giveaway. Congratulations to Fred from Indiana!
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Very Good Condition with 92% Original Finish. Matching Bolt and Magazine S/N#. 5/5 Bore. P. Stamp. Matching Stock and Handguard. Stock has been refurbished.
The Karabiner Model 1931 (K31) is a magazine fed, straight pull, bolt action rifle chambered in 7.5x55mm Swiss Gewehrpatrone 1911 (GP11) that was the standard issue rifle of the Swiss Armed Forces from 1933 through 1958. The K31 was made by Eidgenossische Waffenfabrik Bern, a Swiss federal armory, and is one of the last carbines employed by the Swiss military that is based on the designs by Schmidt and Rubin.